We are what we are

Here, I wish to explore how Man became the seflish animal as we know him today. Contributions from all selfish animals are more than welcome. Any incidents, anecdotes, famous historical events, personal experiences, confessions, anything is welcome as far as they qualify for selfish act by men. Here is my contribution:

For last few years me & my wife have been addicted to choclates. Now the rule is that we dont eat more than 1 choclate a day. and I mean 1 choclate bar between two of us. We usually have it post dinner. So, somedays She gets it from the fridge and breaks it into half and some days I do.

We love each other to death and would give our lives for each other at a drop of a hat but I noticed that in all these years, not once either of us have been able to make a fair 50-50 division of the choclate bar. Whoever breaks the choclate always keeps the biiger portion for himself or herself. And one always breaks it so that one piece is bigger than the other.

I have struggled for years to get over this unfair practice but I am unable to and niether is my wife. Strangely we are not so selfish in other spheres but this one act brings out the selfish gene in us. And it does make me wonder that if I cant divide a choclate bar fairly with someone i love more than my own life then what are the other selfish acts I am capable of.

I look forward to reading your contributions.

tally ho!


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